Wednesday, August 23, 2006

-My newest poll

If you you were to vote tomorrow, which candidate would you most likely favor?*




*This poll is being conducted for research purposes only. Please be aware that many of you will not qualify to vote. Inclusion of the winning picture in my portfolio will ultimately be decided by last minute recounting. Thank You.


jamas said...


Anonymous said...

That depends on what you want to convey. To me, the winning picture is A, but her face looks best in C, so there you have it. They are very nice pics, by the way.

jason groupp said...

I like "B" - is there a prize involved? Perhaps a free photo lesson from the great Carlos? :)

Anonymous said...

"C" is the sexiest!

Anonymous said...

I like A better!

Shyla said...

I like A!!!! ...but... I like B too!! haha...
I was just browsing around your blog ( I found you through OSP) and I loved this sequence of shots! :)