Wednesday, August 30, 2006

-Jesus was here!

Well, sort of.
You see, many months ago my friend Steve Chappell met Oliver Stone for the first time. It was at an audition, an audition where Oliver Stone upon seeing him said:
"So Jesus, are you going to do something miraculous like levitate or walk on water?" And Steve, being Steve (or Jesus?), aptly and with a smile replied:
"I thought I'd just radiate pure love!"

I guess it's no surprise that a couple of months later, Steve is being congratulated, - and hugged - by Oliver Stone at the end of shooting his Jesus scene... He had been that good!
So... Depending on how you see things... Jesus
was here!
Here i
s a quote from a review of Stone's film WTC:
"In what may be the film's most striking image, a vision of Christ appears to Jimeno..." Time, July 31, 2006
Congratulations Steve!
-Steve (Jesus) celebrates and radiates pure love. ©2006 Carlos A. Varela Photography : )

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