Saturday, July 07, 2007

Unnecessary Risks...

Today I almost drowned.

I thought I could swim to the middle Isle.
I knew I was 7000 feet above sea level.
I remembered I used to get asthma attacks.
I thought I was in shape.
I remembered I had swam longer distances before.
I guess I thought I was 23 not 32.
My asthma attack began after I had made it a little more than halfway...

My friend Violetta invited me to go skydiving about a month ago.
I said I to her "I don't take unnecessary risks"


Don't take unnecessary risks.
It's not worth it.

Carlos Andres
ps. I am fine now. My lungs still burn but I thank God I am still here.


Ben Chrisman said...

glad you are safe man.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're alright. I mean you got this sweet new website and what would be the point if you weren't gonna be around to enjoy the praise. Stay safe bro. Look forward to hanging.

Slight Clutter said...

Glad everything ended up okay, Carlos. Be safe.