Friday, July 13, 2007

Palenke and A.A.

On Wednesday Palenke's concert was a bit behind schedule...
Only three and a half hours late.
But hey, on Monday my A.A. flight was two hours behind schedule.
It seems like I just have to get used to delays in my life.
But it seems like I have learned to deal with them a lot better since Friday....

Both events however had great endings.
I made some new friends at American Airlines.
And Palenke's live concert was just amazingly... Amazing!!!!
If you like Electronica, you have to see these guys.

I am considering changing my opinion of A.A. because I had a great time with the flight attendants during my flight back from New Mexico. I even got an ice cream treat (reserved for flight crew only)!!!!

The smiling faces of A.A.!!!!

Palenke's concert for tonight has been cancelled. Bummer.

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