Friday, October 06, 2006

Rocco de.... Bertolli?

Just the other day New York found one of it's most venerable chefs along with a fierce looking group of supporters protesting in the middle of Times Square.

Who where they? At first I couldn't tell since they had chef's uniforms but they were all unusually thin....
And their cause? A proposed ban on Bertolli's newest products "products which will encourage preparing gourmet dinners at home instead of going out to eat, and thus leaving chefs without any business".
A worthy cause indeed!

I think Eventage is getting to know me better, they now point out the celebritiesto me from the onset! It is obviously due to the infamous "Rippa" incident (see -a mayor proclamation-) . I never thought that not having a T.V. would work against me -and the only times I have missed it have been when the World Cup and the Olympics have rolled around-. But in a celebrity driven town you better know your celebrities if you are to photograph events.
-Maybe I should subscribe to US Weekly and People magazines...

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