Two days in this idyllic setting and you start to get spoiled, let me tell you.
Deb and Matt had it all perfectly planned for their two day wedding extravaganza:
The ideal location, the BBQ, the hike, the rehearsal dinner, the Ketubah signing, the wedding ceremony...
Well, maybe not everything!
Deb, Matt -should I mention the hike?
Ah, yes. The infamous hike.
I just don't know if everyone knew what the hike entailed, maybe it was because Matt forgot to mention some of the obstacles we were to face...
Funny enough, we made it to the top of the hill while the main group didn't!
It was worth it though. The views were spectacular (see first picture) and everyone was having a great time.
The day went on to have a great rehearsal dinner, filled with extremely funny moments as some gave historical slideshow presentations explaining some of the family's esoteric evolution, while others engaged in formal theories on why the Tropp-Spain merger was perfect...
They seemed to be right, as the next couple of images clearly support what was said:
I have to admit I was very excited about this wedding; I mean I had two days of photographing in such a beautiful setting and, it was to be my first official "destination" wedding.
But never did I expect for Deb and Matt to give me such artistic freedom as they did at the end of the first day for the Ketubah signing. First off they surprised me by telling me that they wanted to sign it that night and that we could do it in one of the main rooms of the hotel. When I saw the room and I asked if it would be O.K. if we shot it in a dramatic way and with available light, they said they loved the idea.
I shot so many great images, but here is one of my new all time favorite images of any wedding I have shot:
Day two was full of the magic that make weddings beautiful....
When the time came for the reception, it seems everyone was having a blast (in their own way) of course.
Deb and Matt thanks for everything and most importantly for those Ketubah shots! I can't wait to show you guys the rest of the pictures from that series!
Amazing work as always Carlos!
Beautiful location. The detour might have been worth it. The hiking pictures are very cool.
OMG, Carlos, awesome! The kissing shot on the golf course...incredible!
Carlos, you truly captured "us" in all of the
photos. My favorite was the close-up shot of us the night before but now, the more I stare at the photo of us on the porch steps, the more beuatiful it gets. it's seems like such a throw-back to another time... These shots were your idea and they worked. The ketubah shot captured just what the moment felt like - serious and quiet and spiritual. As for the hike, ah well, getting lost seemed to work out just fine...
Ok. This is getting to be an addiction. I can't stop myself from looking at these pictures over and over again on this blog. I even read the narrative over and over again. It just takes me back. Thanks again, Carlos. These are very special.
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