Friday, March 06, 2009

The Signs say it all...



New Orleans.

What can I say?

My recent trip there gave me unforgettable memories. I feel so lucky.
The city's life, it's people, it's happiness, excitement, music and most importantly, it's mystery and history created a need in me to explore it without end...

-And how lucky am I that I had the opportunity to explore it with my best friends?
V&E, VT, GV I miss you guys!
Who knows when we will all see each other together again, but as Kerouac once wiely said "we're still great friends, but we have to go through later phases of our lives"


The last image was from a local photographer's gallery opening whose show was entitled "secrets".
People would anonymously write down their never told secrets on a paper napkin with only the time as a constant.

-I'm sorry that you had to point this one out to me baby.-

It seems like I am late to celebrate important milestones or holidays... this is my 101 post!


allan z. said...

nice papi!! hahaha

STAK Photographer Duo said...

Carlos how is everything? we need to catch up -steve

Anonymous said...

Hi! I wanted to ask you something but didn't see an email address for you anywhere. Could you email me? Thanks,

Inviting Company said...

New Orleans is such a inspiration city.