Saturday, March 08, 2008

Into the Wild...

As some of you know I will be headed to Las Vegas in less than a week and many know as well how much I love the American Southwest.
I guess it was befitting that out of sheer coincidence I watched Into the Wild tonight.
Here's something from the script that made me even more anxious to go:

-I’ll miss you too, Ron. But you’re wrong
if you think the joy of life comes
principally from human relationships.
God’s placed it all around us. It’s in
everything. In anything we can
experience. People just have to change
the way they think about those things.
You ought to put a little camper on the
back of your pick-up and go take a look
at some of the great work here in the American west.--

But what struck me the most was this qoute:

-The core of man's spirit
comes with new experiences
. (!)

And some final words from the movie:

-Happiness is only real when shared.

Some food for thought...


Speaking of happiness, I want to share some great news! My friend Ben Chrisman just won the WPJA's photojournalistic photographer of the year award!!!
Congratulations Ben! Your work inspires us all!

1 comment:

.:tomas flint:. said...

love the tilt shift shots man! you still selling that thing??