Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jenn XXXXX wedding...

Gilbert's new wife is in a band...
An internationally touring Rock band...
But for privacy reasons I can't mention much about Jennifer's band except that it is an "internationally touring rock band"... bummer.
But in any case how cool is this? A member of a punk rock band (DRUMMER no less!!!) hires me to shoot her wedding.
Even punk rockers can get cheesy...
(in a good way, mind you).
I have to admit, I loved it.

Well Jennifer and Gilbert are somewhere in Thailand right now celebrating their month-long honeymoon...
Ah, the life of the rock star -or so it seems- ; )
Hopefully one day I can share with you all some of their music...
I had a blast at the wedding and although there were some minor hiccups everything came out great and on time. Incredibly Jennifer never let it get to her. She, like her mom, just kept on smiling!

Gilbert and Jennifer:
Thanks for going for the photobooth!
And trusting the new lighting scheme,
Everyone it seems, including ourselves, had a blast with it!

Here are some images from the Photobooth session... I really enjoyed this. Let me know what you guys think of the lighting and the colors...

For the slideshow presentations click on the images below:
(Please have patience while it loads... and I must apologize about the music, I have very little choice about this. Also, don't forget to turn the volume down a little...)

I want to thank Victor my second photographer and Amanda Adams for helping me out on this wedding.


Roberto Falck said...

I like what you did with the photo boot... cool lighting

colinmichael said...

Carlos- I love the photobooth, very cool!
And yes, I'm jealous you got the MKIII already...J tells me it is pretty cool...