Friday, December 14, 2007

Avoid U.S. Airways....

As I was about to board a flight today they closed the doors on me...
They said that they had a "weight" restriction and that I had to take the next flight!!!! Unbelievable.

It was not like I was a standby or anything. I was a full paying customer.

All they said was "sorry"
Of course the later flight was delayed and I spent the whole day at the airport.

The plane I flew reminded me of the Austrian Arrows episode of Ze Frank's blog.
It was not a fun day today.

Looking forward to tomorrow's wedding though!! I'm upstate in a Vineyard with heavy snowfall expected!!!!!!!

Sunday might be another full day at the airport though.

1 comment:

Chicago Wedding Photojournalist said...

Nextime you're upstate give me a ring, and drive instead of fly!