Friday, November 30, 2007

Angel Orensanz for Two

This was an amazing wedding I shot with my good friend Mel Barlow.

No Guests.
Just the Bride and the Groom at the Angel Orensanz Foundation.

...Any questions you may have about this unique (to say the least) wedding should be directed to Mel! ; )

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Image of the day, The Cava Times 2.0

Starting today, The Cava Times is changing management.

As many of you are aware the managerial style of the last team was lax, to say the least...

The new team is bringing in "Fundamental Restructuring (FR)" to this blog. As the term (FR) implies, the changes are not radical just more in step with a more modern 21st century blog (never mind that blogs were invented in this century).
We will now post at least once every two days, if not daily, but will focus on sharing one image, so as to stay focused on the artistry and appreciation of such said image.
We hope that this new format will make the reader appreciate the image more profoundly and want to come back on a daily basis.
We will however, continue to write entries in the first person as we hope it will make this blog more "personal" and you feel more connected to our stories.
thank you,

The new Cava Times Management!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's been a while...

... since I last posted.
I've been shooting non-stop and now I am working on the post-production full time. I just wanted to post a new pic that I am preparing to submit to a contest...
what do you all think????